Red Rose Mark – Geoff rises to the Occasion
At the installation meeting of Red Rose Mark Lodge No 1594 which meets at Hindley, the Worshipful Master was unable to attend at the last moment because of business commitments, but all was not lost, when, with little notice, W.Bro. Geoff Catterall Past Grand Steward, stepped in to conduct the Installation ceremony.
The lodge was opened by IPM David Webster and two candidates, Alan Johnson and John Bimpson were successfully balloted for and will be advanced in 2015. 
Geoff Catterall, (right) congratulates Worshipful Master Richard Woolley
The Almoner Phil Stansbie, took the opportunity to welcome Senior Warden, Chris Baxendale, back into the lodge after absence caused by illness. Chris thanked Phil and the lodge members for their welcome.
Arthur Robinson, Provincial Grand Senior Warden, representing the Provincial Grand Master, along with the Special Representative for the area, Ken Alker and other Grand Officers were admitted into the Lodge.
Richard Woolley with SW Chris Baxendale and Junior Warden Brian Sharples
Geoff then occupied the chair to Install Richard Woolley as Worshipful Master and this he did calmly and in an excellent manner considering the last minute change of plans and he was congratulated by everyone present for a superb ceremony.
The Working tools were very ably presented by Brother Ken Wilson and the Keystone address was equally ably presented by Lodge Secretary, W.Bro. Colin Sharples.
Geoff hadn’t finished his work after the Installation as he also gave the address to the new Master. This was followed by the address to the Senior and Junior Wardens, Brothers Chris Baxendale and Brian Sharples by W.Bro. Chris Reeman followed by the address to the Overseer’s by Colin Sharples.
All the Stars. (L to R) Alan Marlowe, Malcolm Currie, Special Representative, Ken Alker.
The Master and his two Wardens. Arthur Robinson, Provincial Grand Senior Warden and Geoff Catterall
Arthur Robinson, Provincial Grand Senior Warden gave the address to the Brethren and also gave greetings on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master. He was then presented with four cheques, each for £100 in favour of WLMC, Kidneys for Life, Diabetes UK and Prostate Cancer UK. Arthur commented on the generosity of the members of such a small lodge.
Red Rose Mark meets on the fourth Monday in January and November and the second Monday in May. Visitors are especially welcome.

Article and Photgraphs courtesy of  Fred Lomax